Ipresents |
It was Boxing Day
evening and Harry's wife had let him out to meet his mates at the local
pub, for a 'couple of drinks'.
They greeted him warmly when he arrived and very soon they were discussing Christmas and exchanging their individual experiences of the festive occasion. Then the conversation moved along to Christmas presents and what they had received and also given to their nearest and dearest. Soon it was Harry's turn. "What did you get for Christmas then, Harry?" "I bought myself one of those Iphones." He replied. "They're brilliant. You can do internet and movies and photographs and just about anything" "Can you make phone calls?" Enquired one wag; but Harry ignored the jibe. "Then for my daughter I bought an Ipad. They're better than books you know". "Didn't know she could read Harry" commented another mate. ".....and I got my son an Ipod for his music." "I didn't know he could play one." said a voice, but Harry was unbowed. "What did you get for your missus then Harry? said his best mate. "Something special was it?" "I'm not sure about that" he replied. She hasn't opened it yet". "What was it then?" "Well, I got her one of those Irons.